Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is an effort that helps the resources to exist not only in present, but also in the upcoming generation.  This effort occurs when people realize that the need of resource consumption is extremely increasing as the population of the world explodes. Countries all over the world contribute in making use of the remaining recourses efficiently.                                              One of the former country of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), Indonesia, have the same issue. In 2004, the oil domestic consumption is 1,182,900 barrels a day and the raw oil we have and ready to be processed is 509,400 barrels (Chadidjah & Wiyoto, 2011). The deficit of this demand and supply number will be covered by importing from foreign companies (such as Saudi Aramco, Petronas PPT, Petral) and the government will cover this deficit from the spot tender as well. It showed that Indonesian government cannot cover the whole consumption of oil with the oil supply. A better strategy in managing the resources might be needed.

In my opinion, instead of doing research to find a better way to make use of the resource, Indonesian government had better allocate the money on developing the use of sustainable energy such as solar energy; considering that sooner or later, the oil will start being used up. Some starting actions have been taken lately by the government to do so. The government economically and morally supported researches in solar energy car, and electrical car done by Universities.